FCS: Learning, Adapting, Solving Problems with AI
Springhill Suites in downtown Greenville SC
February 20-21, 2025
We are planning an incredible SCAFCS 2025 Conference. The Tentative Program, Registration Form, and Online Registration are now available. Make your plans to attend and learn how to implement AI to assist in your various professional applications, explore the many components of FCS updates that make this profession so versatile and unique, and network with students and professionals from South Carolina and the South-Eastern region. Put it on your calendar and register NOW. We will peruse Artificial Intelligence, the newest tool of communication, as we seek to impact individuals, families, and communities for the good.
Once you have determined to attend, print the Registration Form and either send it in "Snail Mail," or come back to fill out the online registration when it is posted in a week or so to add your information for registration. Online payment is available as well for you or your employer to submit payment.
The format for the Square Online Payment is like ordering off an online cart.
You select which items you need (type of membership on registration, additional lunches or banquet options, Preconference, and/or donations to the Student Education Program Fund through HUGS). To add items, select membership, click add to cart. For more items, click continue shopping in the upper left-hand corner, and add to cart. When finished, click on the cart and continue to payment. The QR Code is no longer available for direct payment to SCAFCS Square. |
What's Happening in SCAFCS?
Watch the September, 2024 Virtual Town Hall Meeting; see the YouTube video, note the agenda, and keep up with the SCAFCS plans and opportunities. Click on the "About" Widget above and you will be amazed at what is available and planned for this year.
Even though FCS Week is over, FCS Elevate opportunities go year around. Use the hashtags when on social media to unite and bring attention to FCS!
#FCSWeek and #ElevateFCS.
#FCSWeek and #ElevateFCS.
Use the following links for Elevate FCS to communicate who we are and why FCS is important. Many programs are being removed from South Carolina because the parents, administrators, and district officials do not see or hear of the benefits that FCS provides in homes, communities, and in the state. The Classroom Resources provides terrific activities and visuals for various subjects.
The Apparel, Textiles, & Design Juried Showcase
AAFCS National Conference
Kansas City, Missouri
June 25-27, 2025
The 2025 Community of Apparel, Textiles, and Design Juried Showcase
Deadline: January 31, 2025 Acceptance Notifications: March ? 2025 AAFCS is now accepting entries for the 2025 Apparel, Textiles, and Design Juried Showcase. There is a call for Submissions for the Community of Apparel, Textile and Design Juried Showcase at the 2025 Annual Conference in Kansas City, MO, June 25-27! AAFCS invites designers, innovators and creators to submit their work for this exceptional event! The Juried Showcase is open to AAFCS members and non-members. Designers will showcase their best work in apparel design/clothing & wearable textile art, art & design/fiber/non-fiber, interior design/housing & textile art, and other creative areas. Designs may be submitted as:
An example of the 2019 Catalog is provided here, but a sample of the SCAFCS 2021 Bob Jones University submissions can be seen in the SCAFCS Newsletter November 2021, pp. 9-11 (use the Newsletter widget).
Submission of an entry, or entries, indicates that submitter(s) or sponsoring AAFCS member agree, if accepted, to register for the conference to exhibit and present the work during the Showcase.
Entry submission(s) will include a written design statement/abstract with digital images of the designer's creative works. Entries are being accepted in the categories of:
https://www.aafcs.org/news-and-events/conferences/annualconf-25/call-for-proposals25/atd25 This site also provides links to the Showcase Guidelines, Showcase rubric, Abstract Template, Abstract Sample, and Submission link. |
Checks and donations for the AAFCS Fund Development collection or Donations to sponsor half of student membership for a student through HUGS ($25) can be made out to SCAFCS and sent to the VP Finance, Glenna Mason, 3160 Jackson Drive, Orangeburg, SC 29118.

Say YES to FCS: Filling the FCS Educator Pipeline This initiative is available to encourage consideration of Family and Consumer Sciences Education as a profession. For more information, please visit https://www.fcsed.net/fcsed/recruit/recruit-commit